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Home Forums Case Study Help 4 Hour Case Study

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Lev.
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  • #14687

    Anyone have any idea what a 4 hour case study might entail for an acquisitions associate role. Firm has invested in over $13B worth of Assets and just recently capped off a $700M dollar close ended fund, and has an open ended debt fund that is quickly approaching $1B. Any advice or experience doing case studies would be greatly appreciated.


    Their case study would likely involve processing raw data into an actionable LBO model. I presume you would be presented with a single-asset case with value-add upside. Perhaps there’s an office building in a secondary market that could use renovations. You might receive a ZIP file with rent rolls, T12 operating financials, all original lease docs, perhaps original debt docs if it’s not offered free and clear. You would then allot three hours to building the financial model, then another hour to designing your “results” presentation and reviewing your final data.

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