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    As I am moving through the course you guys hit the excel functions and keyboard commands very quickly.  Would you consider a cheat sheet that breaks down the functions and commands for easy reference?


    I’ve considered something like that. I’ll move it up on my list of items to create – but honestly the best instructor on that front is practice and repetition. I always aim to keep my hand off the mouse, and do anything faster.


    You motivated by saying only monkeys use mouses, I’m sold.  You just speak fast and go from one to the next, and rewinding is tedious.  The text boxes like in the second half would be great so we can just pause on them.


    It’s great to hear these things because it lets me know what you benefit from the most. I think what would make the most sense is just producing a new course that goes slower and has better Excel documentation. Perhaps I’ll make that the next major project (just finished the technical guide).

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