If we’re strictly keeping to the top 100 REPE funds per the PERE 100, you see two Dallas REPE funds (note this only considers headquarters):
7. Lone Star Funds
27. Crow Holdings Capital Partners
Starwood Capital isn’t headquartered in Dallas, so that must be a satellite office you are picking up. In terms of other firms, you’ll have to perform a bit of research. Please share your findings here so we can help other users. In the spirit of helping, though, here is a list I managed to generate manually (in no meaningful order):
HC2 Capital ($1B closed to date — note, this is not necessarily AUM and it also might not be equity, it could be GAV)
So let’s be naive here and assume these funds range from $435M – $2.2B in size. To put that (admittedly rough) metric into perspective, Lone Star funds manages $85 billion. That’s 85 HC2’s & RSF’s, 38 RCP’s, and 195 2gr’s. So if you want to go big, you really only have one, and maybe two, options.
But the experience you would get at a smaller fund is not necessarily worse. You will just have to hustle and network to uncover all of the funds that exist in the market by speaking with industry locals.
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